• Collaborate

    Work with local and state level like-minded organizations to develop power in numbers when influencing county elected officials and state legislators.

  • Educate

    Join us for monthly meetings with relevant speakers to teach citizens, voters, taxpayers, and parents of students what is happening and how it affects their children and what you can do about it.

  • Motivate

    Once citizens learn what the problems are, then we work to encourage and teach them how to stand up, show up, and speak up for our freedom and liberties.

  • Activate

    Peaceful but powerful influence and activism is our god given, inalienable, constitutional right. We The People must get involved in our community to make a difference. Become a precinct chair, delegate, run for school board, city council, or county commissioner, state representative, or volunteer on a review board. You can make a difference.

upcoming meetings starting in March will be at the williamson county jester annex community meeting room:

1801 E. Old Settlers Blvd.
Round Rock, Tx 78664

2025 calendar

Meeting location: 1801 E. Old Settlers Blvd. RR, Tx 78664

April 14th: 6:30pm - 8:30pm Kevin Freeman, host of the Economic War Room

May 12th: 6:30pm - 8:30pm

June 9th: 11:30am -1:30pm

July 14th: 11:30am - 1:30pm

August 11th: 6:30pm - 8:30pm

September 8th: 11:30am - 1:30pm

October 13th: 6:30pm - 8:30pm

November 10th: 11:30am - 1:30pm

For more information, contact CACRCTexas@gmail.com

Missed a meeting? CACRC Related News

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Resistance to tyranny becomes the Christian and social duty of each individual… Continue steadfast and, with a proper sense of your dependence on God, nobly defend those rights that heaven gave, and no man ought to take from us.

John Hancock